Monday, 26 January 2015


Bekas menteri Belanda syor pindah Yahudi ke Amerika 
Posted on Sunday, January 25 @ 15:00:00 MYT
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Kewujudan Zionis-Israel di tanah Palestin merupakan suatu kesalahan sejarah yang fatal. Itu diungkap oleh mantan Menteri Ekonomi Belanda, Herman Heinsbroek, 64.

Dia mencadangkan agar seluruh Zionis-Yahudi yang sekarang berada di Tanah Palestin akan dikeluarkan dan dipindahkan ke Amerika Syarikat, dipetik

"Satu kesilapan besar dalam sejarah ialah memberikan peluang kepada orang-orang Yahudi mendirikan negara di kawasan majoriti Muslim. Anda lihat sendiri, sejak saat itu (penubuhan Israel), perang kian menjadi dan sikap anti-Yahudi pun kian meningkat," demikian kenyataan Herman Heinsbroek dalam wawancara dengan Quote seperti dikutip JTA (22/1).

"Nah, inilah idea saya: hapus Israel dari Timur Tengah, berikan orang-orang Yahudi itu negara mereka sendiri di suatu kawasan di Amerika Syarikat dan masa selama 25 tahun bagi mereka untuk berpindah ke sana," tambah Herman Heinsbroek.

Herman Heinsbroek dengan penuh keyakinan menyimpulkan apabila gagasannya itu diterapkan, keamanan dunia akan lebih mudah tercipta.

Selain menjadi Menteri Ekonomi, Herman Heinsbroek juga pernah berkhidmat sebagai diplomat pada Kementerian Luar Negeri Belanda. Heinsbroek saat itu diutus ke Istanbul, Turki.-harakahdaily



Dutch ex-minister: World peace if Israeli Jews move to U.S.

January 22, 2015 6:27pm

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (JTA) — A Dutch former Cabinet minister reportedly said that world peace would be achievable if Israel’s population is forced to move to the United States.

The statement was attributed to Herman Heinsbroek, who served as the Netherlands’ minister of economic affairs in 2002, in an article that appeared Thursday in the online edition of the prestigious financial monthly Quote, based on an interview with Heinsbroek.

“It was an historical error to give the Jews their own country in the middle of Islam,” he was quoted as saying. “You’ve had nothing but war ever since and you’ve had anti-Semitism resurging, too. My idea: Give the Jews their own state somewhere in the United States and 25 years to move their state over there.”

Heinsbroek is also quoted as saying that if implemented, his solution “will finally create, perhaps, peace in the world.”

Heinsbroek, 64, served as a diplomat in the Dutch Foreign Ministry and was posted in Istanbul, according to the Volksrant daily.

During his stint as minister, he was a member of the rightist, anti-immigration Pim Fortuyn List party. He served under Jan Peter Balkenende of the centrist Christian Democratic Appeal, who is widely considered as a strong supporter of Israel.

Earlier this month, Heinsbroek released his first novel, titled “Shadow Minister,” dealing with intrigue in government.

In 2010, Frits Bolkestein, a former European Commissioner and ex-leader of Holland’s ruling rightist People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, advised observant Dutch Jews leave to Israel or the United States.

In an interview with Manfred Gerstenfeld, a prominent scholar on anti-Semitism, Bolkestein said that practicing Jews “have no future here.”

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