“Dengan nama Allah,
Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani
Segala puji tertentu
bagi Allah, Tuhan yang Memelihara dan Mentadbirkan sekalian alam
Yang Maha Pemurah,
lagi Maha Mengasihani
Yang Menguasai
pemerintahan hari Pembalasan (hari akhirat)
Engkaulah sahaja (Ya
Allah) Yang Kami sembah dan kepada Engkaulah sahaja kami memohon pertolongan.
Tunjukilah kami jalan
yang lurus.
Iaitu jalan
orang-orang yang Engkau telah kurniakan nikmat kepada mereka, bukan (jalan)
orang-orang yang Engkau telah murkai dan bukan pula (jalan) orang-orang yang
sesat.” ( Al-Quran, surah Al-Faatihah: 1-7 )
1. Saya mengambil kesempatan bersama seluruh rakyat Malaysia
berkongsi kesedihan di atas tragedi yang menimpa pesawat Malaysia Airlines
MH370 yang telah diisytiharkan kemalangan dan kesemua 239 penumpang dan anak
kapal pesawat tersebut dianggap telah terkorban seperti yang telah diumumkan
oleh Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Penerbangan Awam (DCA) petang tadi.
2. Ekoran daripada pengumuman tersebut Kerajaan telah mengesahkan
bahwa semua penumpang dan anak kapal telah dianggap meninggal dunia, saya ingin
menjelaskan beberapa perkara mengenai kedudukan hukum dan berkaitan dengan
tragedi MH370 sepertimana yang telah diputuskan oleh Muzakarah Khas
Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan pada 25 Mac 2014 yang lalu telah mengambil
beberapa ketetapan bahawa Solat Jenazah Ghaib tidak perlu dilaksanakan.
Sebaliknya semua umat Islam adalah diseru supaya mengadakan tahlil dan doa
kepada semua penumpang dan anak kapal MH 370.
3. Sehubungan dengan itu, Masjid Negara akan mengadakan
Tahlil khas sebaik sahaja selesai Solat Jumaat esok, 30 Januari 2015. Manakala,
Masjid-masjid di bawah seliaan Jakim iaitu Masjid Putra, Putrajaya, Masjid
Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Putrajaya serta seluruh masjid di bawah kelolaan
Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (Jawi) juga akan mengadakan Majlis
Tahlil khas sejurus selepas Solat Jumaat.
4. Dalam masa yang sama, seluruh masjid di bawah pentadbiran
Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri-Negeri seluruh Malaysia adalah dipohon kerjasama
untuk mengambil inisiatif yang sama.
5. Mengenai hal-hal berkaitan pengagihan harta pusaka,
pembubaran status perkahwinan mangsa, atau hukum-hukum lain yang bersangkutan
daripada tragedi ini, ianya hendaklah dirujuk kepada pihak berkuasa berkaitan
berasaskan peruntukan undang-undang yang telah ditetapkan setelah pengesahan
atau pensabitan kematian diputuskan oleh mahkamah.
Sekian dimaklumkan.
‘Saya Yang Menurut Perintah’
29 Januari 2015
by AZRUL NAIMI 6:53 AM yesterday
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, members of the media.
1. My name is Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, Director General of
the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia and I am here today in my capacity as
the Chairman of the MH370 High Level Technical Task Force (HLTTF).
2. As you are aware, the HLTTF was formed to coordinate
technical matters relating to MH370.
3. On 8 March 2014 at 0122 Malaysia Local Time (1722 UTC 7
March 2014), a Malaysian Airlines aircraft, a Boeing 777-2H6ER, registration
9M-MRO and call-sign MH370, lost contact with Air Traffic Control after
waypoint IGARI during a transition of airspace between Malaysia and Vietnam
whilst en-route to Beijing.
4. There were 227 passengers, 2 flight crew and 10 cabin
crew on board.
5. The Search and Rescue mission involved 160 assets
inclusive of 65 aircraft and 95 vessels as well as experts from 25 countries.
This unprecedented exercise involved aircraft and vessels from the following
- Australia
(4 Aircraft, 2 vessels)
- Cambodia
(4 Aircraft)
- China
(13 Aircraft, 19 vessels)
- India
(4 vessels)
- Indonesia
(11 vessels)
- Japan (4 Aircraft)
- New
Zealand (1 Aircraft)
- Singapore
(3 Aircraft, 2 vessels)
- South
Korea (2 Aircraft)3
- Thailand
(1 Aircraft, 1 vessels)
- United
Arab Emirates (2 Aircraft)
- United
States of America (5 Aircraft, 4 vessels)
- Vietnam
(2 Aircraft, 2 vessels)
6. Other countries unable to send physical assets also
provided invaluable support in other ways. Many individuals also stepped up to
provide assistance in whatever way they could.
7. Malaysia
is greatly indebted to all the countries and individuals for all the assistance
and support received. We offer our heartfelt gratitude for the generosity of
response in a dark hour in the history of the aviation industry.
8. The search and rescue phase was carried out from 8 March
2014 to 28 April 2014 where the search area covered the South China Sea, the
Straits of Malacca, the Andaman Sea and the southern Indian
Ocean .
9. Following the announcement by the Australian Government
on 28 April 2014, the search and rescue phase transitioned to a search and
recovery phase.
10. On 28 April 2014, the search coordinated by the
Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) moved to an underwater phase led by
the Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) and the Australian Transport Safety
Bureau (ATSB). Malaysia and China sent
their respective experts and assets to assist JACC and ATSB in this phase.
11. This phase of the search included the use of the
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and bathymetry survey capabilities. The
Bathymetry Survey has completed covering an area of around 208,000 square
12. The bathymetric survey provided us with critical
information on the topography of the sea floor. This information is now assisting
in the current ongoing phase which is the underwater search.
13. The underwater search is still ongoing at this time and
the exercise is currently being performed by 4 vessels, namely the Go Phoenix,
Fugro Discovery, Fugro Equator and Fugro Supporter. To date, the search has
covered over 18,600 square kilometres (as of 28 Jan15).
14. The Governments of Malaysia ,
China and Australia have
spared no expense and resources in the search for MH370. This has been done
with the paramount aim to find the aircraft and to seek answers. It has been
done in hope of bringing some solace to the families of the passengers and crew
on board MH370, which we respectfully refer to as the “next-of-kin”. We have
endeavoured and pursued every credible lead and reviewed all available data.
Despite all these efforts over the last 327 days (as of 28 Jan 15), the search
unfortunately has yet to yield the location of the missing aircraft.
15. Chapter 1 of Annex 13 to the Convention on International
Civil Aviation (commonly referred to as the “Chicago Convention”) and entitled
“Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation” states that the definition of
the term “accident” includes “the aircraft is missing”. It also states that “an
aircraft is considered to be missing when the official search has been
terminated and the wreckage has not been located”. Annex 12 to the Chicago
Convention entitled “International Standards and Recommended Practices” for
search and rescue, further states that the term “search” refers to an operation
to locate persons in distress.
16. According to the International Civil Aviation
Organisation (ICAO), Annex 12 (para 5.5.1) states that search and rescue
operations shall continue, when practicable, until all survivors are delivered
to a place of safety or until all reasonable hope of rescuing survivors has
passed. Further, a note supporting para 5.5.2 states that “Contracting States
may require input from other appropriate State authorities in the
decision-making process leading to termination of SAR (search and rescue)
17. It was in compliance with these ICAO Standards in
Annexes 12 and 13 that on 28 April 2014, the Australian Maritime Safety
Authority (AMSA) advised that the search was transitioning from a search and
rescue operation to a search and recovery phase.
18. Available data suggests that after the transponder
ceased transmitting, there was no normal radio or aircraft system (ACARS)
communications transmitted or received from the aircraft. Hence, we relied on
the only available data, which was the Satellite Communication
(SATCOM)/Inmarsat data as well as Aircraft Performance Data.
19. An analysis of the radar data and subsequent satellite
communication (SATCOM) system signaling messages placed the aircraft in the
Australian search and rescue zone on an arc in the southern Indian
Ocean . This arc was considered to be the location close to where
the aircraft’s fuel would have been exhausted.
20. Based on the analysis of all available evidence and the
supporting factual information that I have mentioned, this data supports the
conclusion that MH370 ended its flight in the southern Indian
Ocean .
21. Based on the same data, we have concluded that the
aircraft exhausted its fuel over a defined area of the southern Indian Ocean , and that the aircraft is located on the sea
floor close to that defined area. This is a remote location, far from any
possible landing sites. It is also an area with adverse sea conditions with
known depths of more than 6,000 metres.
22. After 327 days (as of 28 Jan 15) and based on all
available data as well as circumstances mentioned earlier, survivability in the
defined area is highly unlikely.
23. It is therefore, with the heaviest heart and deepest
sorrow that, on behalf of the Government of Malaysia, we officially declare
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 an accident in accordance with the Standards of
Annexes 12 and 13 to the Chicago Convention and that all 239 of the passengers
and crew onboard MH370 are presumed to have lost their lives.
24. The Government of Malaysia acknowledges that this
declaration of the MH370 accident will be very difficult for the families and
loved ones of the 227 passengers and 12 crew on board to consider, much less
accept. Thirteen nations have alsolost sons and daughters to this tragedy. It
is nonetheless important that families try to resume normal lives, or as normal
a life as may be possible after this sudden loss. Without in any way intending
to diminish the feelings of the families, it is hoped that this declaration
will enable the families to obtain the assistance they need, in particular
through the compensation process.
25. The Government of Malaysia also assures the families
of the passengers and crew that the search for MH370 remains a priority. The
Government of Malaysia, is committed to continue all reasonable efforts to
bring closure to this unfortunate tragedy, with the continuing cooperation and
assistance of the Governments of China and Australia .
26. The Government of Malaysia assures that Malaysia
Airlines will undertake their responsibilities in relation to the legitimate
rights and interests of the next-of-kin as provided under the relevant
international instruments and relevant domestic laws, with due consideration to
international practice. This includes the fulfilment of the compensation
process, whether it is pursued through consultation or through litigation. We
further understand that Malaysia Airlines is ready to proceed immediately with
the compensation process, with due regard for the readiness of the next-of-kin
to take this step.
27. In keeping with our commitments to keep the next-of-kin
apprised of the latest developments and pertinent verified information, a
special section has been established on the MH370 official website, http://www.mh370.gov.my,
solely for the next-of-kin. It includes information on the search and
investigation efforts, the compensation process, responses to NOK’s inquiries
as well as other forms of assistance that are available to the next-of-kin. It
is hoped that this dedicated portal will provide a continuing support system
for the next-of-kin.
28.The “Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team
for MH370”, comprising accredited representatives from seven countries is
currently conducting its safety investigation. Similarly, the criminal
investigation led by the Royal Malaysia Police is also ongoing.
29.Both investigations are limited by the lack of physical
evidence at this time, particularly the flight recorders. Therefore at this
juncture there is no evidence to substantiate any speculations as to the cause
of the accident. An interim statement detailing the progress of the safety
investigation is expected to be released on or around the one year anniversary
of the accident.
30. We once again express our deepest sympathy to all those
who have been affected by this terrible accident. It has been a frustrating
time for all who have tried their best in the search for MH370. We have never
wavered in our commitment to continue our efforts to find MH370 and bring
closure for everyone, most of all for the families of the passengers and crew
of MH370.
31.This declaration is by no means the end. We will forge
ahead with the cooperation and assistance of the Governments of China and Australia .
MH370, its passengers and its crew will always be remembered and honoured.
Dato’ Azharuddin Abdul Rahman
Director General Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia
by AZRUL NAIMI 6:04 AM yesterday
Released at 8.05p.m./29 January 2015
Malaysia Airlines and the world are in mourning after the
declaration of the accident to flight MH370 today. It has been more than 10
agonising months since the ill-fated flight went missing.
Following the announcement today, Malaysia Airlines’
representatives will be contacting the appointed next-of-kin to proceed with
the compensation process. The airline remains steadfast to ensure that fair and
reasonable compensation is paid to the families of all MH370 passengers in
accordance with the applicable laws.
Malaysia Airlines will deploy further resources at its
Family Support Centre (FSC) which had been set up in Kuala Lumpur . In order to facilitate and
expedite the compensation process, besides proactively providing updates to
family members around the world, the airline has installed additional phone
lines. The FSC will be the main point of contact for NOK in Malaysia and other parts of the world, along
with our various regional offices, apart from China .
Operations at the Family Communications and Support Centre
(FCSC) in Beijing
continue. For the convenience of family members, the Centre will be supported
by additional Mandarin-speaking personnel.
Malaysia Airlines' personnel from the Human Resources
department remain the main point of contact for the NOK of the airline’s cabin
and technical crew lost in the tragedy.
As has been the case since the beginning of the crisis,
Malaysia Airlines continues to provide assistance to the families of the
passengers and crew. We understand this is an especially distressing time for
all of them.
The management and staff of Malaysia Airlines wish to thank
the public for their outpouring of support throughout this challenging time.
Our thoughts and prayers remain with the families of the 239 passengers and
crew on board flight MH370.
by AZRUL NAIMI 5:10 AM yesterday
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